主人公は今日子だと思うが、彼女に目的なんかないのでは? そんな意見が学生らから出ると、講師からは主人公は必ず目的を持っているものだ、とフィードバックが入ります。分かりづらくても、作品全体を意識してもう一度注意深く見てみるようアドバイスを受けました。
After the first lesson, students saw the whole short film to get a grasp of the story and translated some dialogue in several scenes as their assignment.
Students said they enjoyed the film, but had some problems understanding the story and its message. Topics for the class discussion were “Who is the main character?” and “What is the drive, or the purpose of that character?” Answering these questions are crucial to understanding the story of a film.
One of the students said that, in her opinion, the main character is Kyoko, but she doesn’t appear to have any drive, explaining “She doesn’t want to do any particular thing. She only reacts to what others do”. But the teachers urged the students to see the film again and, no matter how difficult it might seem, carefully consider its whole structure. They pointed out that “every story has its main character, and he or she must have a drive to move the story forward.”
The students watched the film again, paying more attention to Kyoko’s actions and motivations to understand what kind of a person she is. Students made new observations like “She seems to always be looking forlornly at her colleague Takayuki” or “Her father and the shop owner have known each other” and little by little, they begun collecting clues to Kyoko’s drive.
The discussion radically altered the students’ perception of the film, preparing them for their first serious attempt at subtitling in the next class.
セリフの翻訳にまつわるディスカッションでは、物語に登場する“オロナミンC”をどう訳すべきか? という話題にも。学生たちは独自にリサーチを行い、“Soda C”や“Vitamin Drink”という案を出します。
One of the problems that came up in the discussion was how to translate the name of “Oronamin C,” a carbonated energy drink in popular in Japan. Students did some research and came up with ideas like “Soda C,” or “Vitamin Drink.”