
Ghent Universityゲント大学
期 間
『グッバイ!』(2021年/カラー/31分 監督:中塚風花)PFFアワード2021準グランプリ受賞作品
JVTA 担当講師


Prof. Dr. Andreas Niehaus


The Global Universities Subtitling Project will give our students the opportunity to build up expertise and experience in a potential future work field. My hope is that they will also learn more about Japanese culture and exchange their thoughts with students in Japanese studies around the world.


Delivering “Nippon” from Europe! JVTA and University Students Work Together on the Global Universities Subtitling Project


「海外大学字幕プロジェクト(Global Universities Subtitling Project/GUSP)」の原点は、世界最大の日本映画祭「ニッポン・コネクション」。JVTAは10年以上にわたり、さまざまな形で同映画祭に携わっている。映像翻訳のワークショップから始まり、現在、アワード・スポンサーを務める「ニッポン・ヴィジョンズ」で字幕制作に協力している。こうした活動が、業界を超えて教育関係者の目に留まり、2016年、ベルギーのゲント大学からオファーを受けて、日英映像翻訳のオンライン講義を始めたのだ。


The Beginning of GUSP

The Global Universities Subtitling Project (GUSP) got its start thanks to the world’s biggest Japanese film festival, Nippon Connection. JVTA has been a part of this festival in many different ways for over 10 years. JVTA started by offering visual media translation workshops、and we currently provide subtitles for the Nippon Visions Award. This type of support caught the eyes of those working in the education industry, which led to a proposal from Belgium Ghent University for JVTA to begin teaching Japanese-English translation courses online to their students.

“Europeans have a deep interest in Japanese culture and truly understand it. This gives us the ability to continue providing classes in areas that are very familiar with film festivals, and it leads to higher awareness of Japanese-English visual media translation and enhances our brand power,” says Kiyotake Ishii, director and instructor at JVTA.

This is the 5th year that Ghent University is participating in the GUSP project. This time, there are 38 students who will be making subtitles. The films that students are working on are going to be presented at Nippon Connection from May 24th. We’ll continue to keep you updated on how classes go, and provide insight into the meaning of the project from Ghent University’s point of view.


Behind the Scenes of Subtitle Creation








In March, GUSP's online lectures were held at Ghent University. Through a total of four lectures, the students took on the challenge of translating the film "Goodbye! (directed by Fuka Nakatsuka) from Japanese to English. This film about youth won the runner-up prize at last year's PFF Awards, a gateway to success for film directors.

This time students were divided into six groups to translate the 30-minute film. Each group was responsible for a length of about 5 minutes, and they had to create subtitles with consideration to the parts before and after their scenes. The drafts completed by each group were checked by all students and the instructor, and together they brushed up the expressions used in their translations.

“How can a dialect in spoken language be conveyed through subtitles, which are written language?” “How can we express the facial expressions and feelings of the characters when the number of characters in subtitles are limited?” Visual media translation is never simple, and it requires coming up with answers to these questions. In particular, conversations between people whose true feelings are difficult to see are especially tricky when creating English subtitles. It is necessary to understand what is going on between the lines of the dialogue, and to translate the dialogue along with the thoughts in a character’s mind rather than just translating the words at surface level.

At the end of the lecture, the subtitles the students worked hard on were put together with the actual video. The students were delighted to see their subtitles on-screen, and expressed their happiness at being involved in the project. The 344 subtitles, which were created with great care by the students, will be unveiled at Nippon Connection, a Japanese film festival to be held in Germany in May.

JVTA instructor Kiyotake Ishii, who gave the lecture, says the significance of GUSP is to let students experience visual media translation. While discussing their interpretations of the work and cross-cultural understanding, everyone creates subtitles together. This experience will bring new perspectives to language learning, cultural studies, and film appreciation in the future, he said.

In the next update, Professor Niehaus of Ghent University will tell us about the appeal of GUSP.

GUSPを終えて ~ゲント大学インタビュー~

After the GUSP Project: Interviewing Ghent University



ゲント大学のニーハウス教授は、2016年から毎年GUSPに参加している。これまで、数多くの学生が字幕制作に励む姿を見てきた。 学生にとってGUSPでの経験は「将来の自信につながる」という。




What kind of words and phrases should be used to express the theme of the film and nuances of the dialogue? To answer these questions, Ghent University students tried their hand at creating subtitles through a process of trial and error.

“How can we produce the kind of subtitles that would be understood by audiences from different countries and cultures? To what extent could the subtitles reproduce the nuances of the Kansai dialect, which is a feature of this production? The students were not just doing a direct translation - they tried to be flexible when it came to choosing words and expressions”, says Andreas Niehaus, professor at Ghent.

Professor Niehaus of Ghent University has participated in GUSP every year since 2016. He has seen numerous students work hard on their subtitling projects. He says that the experience at GUSP "gives students confidence for the future," he says.

Students majoring in Japanese at Ghent University learn Japanese through lectures on conversation, reading and writing, and translation, and GUSP is a chance for them to put their Japanese studies to use.

“The experience of having their work screened at a film festival and seeing their name in the end credits will give them confidence for the future”, says Andreas.

The film “Goodbye!” that Ghent University students are working on is scheduled to be screened at Nippon Connection, which begins on May 24th.

・Nippon Connection Official Website
・PFF Award 2021/Film "Goodbye!"
・JVTA Global Universities Subtitling Project